MMS Friends


Monday, October 25, 2004

NHSIA & HC2005

I understand that the NHS Information Authority staff bulletin has said that the IA will not be exhibiting, providing speakers, or authorising any of its staff to attend the HC 2005 conference in March next year.

This may simply reflect that the IA, as a body, will cease to exist very soon after the event, but if this is also true of other NHS bodies in the area e.g. NPfIT, NHSU and/or the Health and Social Care Information Centre then it will seriously reduce the usefulness of the conference and exhibition (which may be the intention), and could be seen as further evidence of the lack of consultation with significant stakeholders, which has previously been a criticism on this blog and elsewhere.

I'm sure that the HC conference will not be diminished by this - and the extra feedom this may produce may actually enhance the conference?


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