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Friday, February 10, 2006

Open Source Software in Health Informatics

Hi I have just joined Informaticopia
I work for where our mission is to facilitate open competitive choice in the IT market place by encouraging the production and use of open, competitive software products and solutions.
We are having some success in influencing EC and UK government policies in favour of Open Source and Open Standards, in the UK particularly in education where pioneering schools are saving between £40 and £80k pa. and in Local Government where we are a partner in .
We would like to have a go at health in the UK where the IT budgets seem to be extraordinarily high and not achieving much but committed to existing suppliers like IDX and iSoft on Microsoft platforms.
I have joined your blog to put forward some ideas, get some responses, understand the issues so we can work on facilitating appropriate solutions probably involving the use of some open source software along side proprietary systems - what we call the mixed software economy.
Re medical records, which is at the core of IT health, there is an open source solution in USA currently managing 44m records - see OpenEMR wpennington @ 2004-03-03. This has been deployed in Dublin.
There is another system in Europe, which is under development see a European OS ERM system.
If you are not already a knowing user of Open Source you might like to read a web book by Dr Mohammad Al-Ubaydli, a doctor who has got involved in IT and is good at explaining technology.

Comments welcomed


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