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Sunday, October 23, 2005

AMIA2005 - Sunday afternoon report

AMIA2005 is now in full swing here in Washington DC. This is the first opportunity I have had to sit down and try and write a little about what is going on.

As Rod Ward and I have discovered from previous conference blogs, the secret of successful blogging at these events is not to be doing too many other things - so, breaking this rule right from ther start, I have been busy with meetings etc. and not had time to write.

We arrived into a dull and wet Dulles airport on Friday afternoon - weather fairly similar to what we left behind at Heathrow. After doing some of the tourist trail yesterday (Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, the newly-opened American Indian Museum, and then Union Station for afternoon tea), today has been a succession of meetings, and it's still only mid afternoon.

As well as the many formal meetings in the programme of AMIA Working Groups and other groups, there is the usual host of opportunistic meetings that people organise at these events. So, froma working breakfast, it was on to a 3-hour meeting of the IMIA Strategic Planning group, and then a quick dash down to the Cosmos Club for a brunch and the launch of the new edition of Saba and McCormick's 'Essentials of Computers for NUrses'. Many of the chapter authors were present, including my co-author on the 'open source and free software' chapter, Alric O'Connor.

The wireless network here seems to be working well for Internet access, so I hope to be able to provide some 'live' reports from some of the meetings - we have our Education Steps workshop later this evening, and the business meeting of the AMIA Open SOurce Working Group tomorrow (MOnday) evening.

More to follow as time permits and there is something worth reporting on.

Peter Murray

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