MMS Friends


Friday, October 29, 2004

Health Libraries Week & discussions around the NLH

Plans are well underway for Health libraries Week (15-21 November) focusing on the value of health libraries, organised by the NeLH in conjunction with CILIP's Health Libraries Group and the other home countries.

Both national and local events and activities are planned, with an emphasis on the launch the programme to develop the National Library for Health and to launch the first phase of the Single Search Environment, with local libraries emphasising their own services and resources.

The NeLH Digital Libraries Network (DLNET) has a page of materials including powerpoint presentations (from Nov) and NLH promotional designs for incorporation into local materials.

I wonder if, in future, a health information week will be considered more appropriate than a Library week?

This has triggered some interesting debates on the Lis-Medical discussion list about the relationship or partnership between the national work in this area and local library services at Strategic health Authority level.

Posters to this list have also pointed out a range of problems about document delivery from the Department of Health and highlighted the importance of library & information professionals to quality health care deliver. However, their plight under the current


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