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Monday, October 24, 2005

AMIA2005 - Monday second report

'Personal health records:problems and solutions' is the title of a session including four presentations dealing with aspects of personal health records; in the UK, it has implications for developments such as MyHealthSpace.

In the paper 'How accurate is information that patients contribute to their electronic health record?' Lynn Volk from Partners' Healthcare System reported on research that had been undertaken on patient input to their electronic records. She reported that electronic health records are often complete and patient contributions can help to provide a complete record. However, she suggested that their needs to be doctor overview of the patient input. This provoked a number of questions about the relative roles and knowledge levels of patients and their doctors.

'Online communication and support for cancer patients: a relationship-centric design framework' was presented by Jacob Weiss from Vanderbilt University. He based his presentation in a hypothesis that informatics can support the communication that is an essential part of cancer support and care. He highlighted the importance of communication and support needs for informal caregivers.

He looked at different tyoes of relationships (eg clinical and supportive relationships) and compared the sorts of questions and explanations that might be seen within two models, ie a relationship-centric design and an information-centric design. In the former, the interactions between people help to explain the communication, while in the latter, the exchange of data/information is the focus. It is an interestiong comparison.

Other papers in the session were:

'Household computer and Internet access: the digital divide in a paediatric clinic population' and 'Copy fees and patients' rights to obtain a copy of their medical records: from law to reality'

The session seems to be very popular, with a fairly full room, so there must be about 250 or so people attending this session.

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  • Given that there are current concerns about whether there will be any obligation on clinicians to look at the MyHealthSpace comments appended into the personal record by the subject individual in the UK, can anyone point to any comments about how that issue will be handled elsewhere in the world pls?

    By Jean Roberts, at 10:40 PM  

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