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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Patient Opinion - Social Networking site

Patient Opinion - Social Networking site

I recently came accross this site "Patient Opinion" founded by Paul Hodgkin, a doctor who wanted to find a way to make the wisdom of patients available to the NHS.

"Patient Opinion is a new service that tells you what other people are saying about your local health services and lets you share your story with others"

It has been set up as a social enterprise - an independent company, but is run for a social good — in this case, for the benefit of patients and the NHS.

They hope to get income from providing reports to health care providers on what patients are saying about their services, analysing and reporting the opinions and ratings from patients, and provide this information to health service managers and clinicans so that they can act on the views of patients and hopefully improve their services.

The service is still in Beta pilot and most of the hosptials and services mentioned are in the north of England, but I feel it has potential as a national service providing the opportunity for people to share their stories of their treatment etc and potentially provide feedback to healthcare providers, which takes into account the "lived experience" rather than the "bean counting" approach of some audit mechanisms. I wonder what will happen when a negative patient experience described on the site is picked up by the press and whether those who share their experience are aware of the additional trauma this can cause?

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